Why Should I Blog?

Why should I blog?Is blogging a difficult thing to do? No. Is it essential? Yes. Many clients ask us, “Why should I blog?” That shows us that they don’t know or understand the benefits of blogging, so let’s review those benefits here.

Blogging attracts interested prospects

People are searching the Internet for answers to solve their problems. When your business blog post offers that solution, you are immediately on their radar as a qualified resource, without their having to make a commitment.

Blogging establishes and reinforces your expertise

Your business blog posts are prime locations in which to establish and reinforce your expertise in your field. Post answers to the most often-asked questions about your business. Post evidence of your expertise with awards and links to articles in which you appear. Post proof that you are an expert with examples and explanations of your products and services. Post reviews and testimonials. There are numerous ways you can build your credibility.

The business mentorship organization Score offers 10 reasons to keep an active business blog, beginning with the fact that “customers who read your blog at 97% more likely to click on your website.” The answer to “Why should I blog” is to attract and convince potential customers and clients.

Blogging offers new content on your website

It is important to add new copy to your website in order to keep it current with search engines. You should refresh your website copy at least every 2 years, and blog at least 2 to 4 times a month in order to keep new information available.

Blogging keeps your website relevant

Search engines constantly patrol the Internet looking for relevant copy to the questions people are asking. When a search question is entered into the search box, if your blog posts relate to that question, your site will appear in the organic search. The most relevant copy and website link will appear in a box at the top of the page–that’s where you want to be.

Blogging builds engagement

When you write in a friendly, approachable tone, you are actually holding a virtual conversation with your reader. They get to know you and you build both rapport and engagement prior to even your first actual conversation. This helps to open the door to future collaboration.

Are you missing this important link in your marketing chain?

When interested prospects are checking you out as a potential resource, they will look at your blog. Are you giving them enough credible information and resources that they can immediately trust you? That trust will go a long way in convincing a prospect to purchase your product or service.

Why don’t businesses blog more?

There are several reasons why business owners don’t blog as much as they need to. The most common excuses we hear are:

  • I don’t have the time
  • I don’t know what to blog about, or
  • I’m not a good writer.

You don’t have to do it yourself. You can hire a blogging expert to do it for you.

Knowing how to write a good business blog post is not a matter of throwing anything up on your blog. The post must be relevant, and it must be written for SEO searches, with keywords, keyphrases, subheadings, tags, internal and external links, etc. in the right places thorughout the copy. That’s where the blogging expert comes into play.

Why should I blog?

If you are interested in promoting your expertise, getting a leg up over your competitor, and making your sales easier, it is important to blog.

Need help blogging? Contact All the Buzz.

Do you need help in coming up with topics to blog about? Would you like to have us write your blog for you? All the Buzz has created thousands of blog posts for clients over the past 20 years and can do the same for you. Please contact us at info@allthebuzz.net to learn more.



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