Category Archives: Networking Strategies

What is it You’re Truly Selling?

raising-hand-in-a-crowdI was listening to a TED Talk today that offered to teach people how to find their true calling in just five minutes. In it, the speaker, Adam Leipzig, asked the audience five questions:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What do you do?
  3. Who do you do it for?
  4. What do those people want and need?
  5. How do they change as a result?
  6. Continue reading →

How to Give the Perfect Pitch

elevator-speechIf you have ever been to a networking group, you were probably asked to stand and give your “elevator pitch” to the group. Members are trained in how to present who they are, what they do, and the benefits of their product or service in 30 seconds or less, or the time it would take to travel in an elevator from floor to floor (which is why it’s called an elevator pitch).

Even if you don’t network, you will constantly be asked, “So, what do you do?”  It will happen at family gatherings, parties, social events…pretty much anyplace people gather.

Therefore, you need to be prepared with an elevator speech. It doesn’t have to be canned, but it does need to outline the basics that not only tell what you do, but inspire the listener to ask more. Here are some simply steps to developing your perfect pitch. Continue reading →

Questions that Master Networking Small Talk | All the Buzz

people-enjoying-networking-all-the-buzzHave you ever been uncomfortable in a business networking event and don’t know quite what to say? Small talk is just the concept of finding common ground, and finding out a little bit more about the other person. And instead of putting them on the defensive, or coming across as sounding just like everyone else, suddenly the conversation with you becomes fun.

A hidden benefit of small talk is Continue reading →