Category Archives: Workshops and Training

Seeing the Sale From the Other Side of the Desk

<a href="">Business image created by Katemangostar -</a>When I was director of marketing for a national company, my office was situated right next to that of the president’s. One day, he walked by my door and saw me sitting in the visitor chair at the opposite side of the desk than my normal chair. I was just sitting.

The president stopped in the doorway and asked me, “What are you doing?”

I answered, “I’m looking at the company from the customer’s point of view.”

We are often so busy working at our own jobs that we can overlook the point of view our customer sees. Therefore, it is good to either take a moment to “sit in their chair,” or hire an outside eye (trained consultant) who can identify just what it is the customer sees…and needs.

As a hired marketing consultant, I have made the tiniest tweaks in someone’s presentation, look, office, retail space or marketing strategy that have made huge differences the next time they Continue reading →

Do You Have Passion For Your Business? Take This Quick Quiz.

Do_it_with_passionIf you don’t love your business, you probably dread going to work every day. It’s a bad feeling. And unfortunately, it is not only you who feels that way, your customers pick up on it as well.

They say that those who are passionate about what they do never feel as if they are working. Their passion is what drives them, and what makes them successful.

Wonder if you’re still passionate about your business? Take this quick quiz to find out: Continue reading →

Is Your Sales Presentation Killing Your Sale? ON SALE| Training | All the Buzz

Personalized Sales Training On Sale In February


Turn your “no sale” into a “deal” with this deal.

“Is your sales presentation killing your sale?”  This is the title of one of our most popular offerings and for the month of February 2014, it’s on sale! For just $150. (More about the details later on.)

As Director of Marketing for local, national and international companies, I probably met at least once a day with salespeople who were trying to sell me their latest and greatest products. And most of their sales presentations were awful! I sure wanted to take them aside and say, “Listen…you should present your product this way, you’re killing your own sale!”

And now I can!  And do.  With great success.

Generally their marketing materials were okay. It was their own skills that lacked. Here are just some of the bad sales skills I saw that can actually lose you a sale… Continue reading →

All The Buzz Launches Dulles University Success Series | All the Buzz | Workshops & Training

Dulles University logoEvery Wednesday in August, 2013, business owners have the opportunity to improve their own marketing skills through a series of workshops offered by All the Buzz, held in conjunction with Dulles University, who provided a generous sponsorship, allowing us to reduce our normal price of $350 per workshop to only $199! Continue reading →