Category Archives: News

Check Out Our Travel Blog: Mid-Atlantic Traveler

Barrel-Oak-Winery-Mid-Atlantic-TravelerSince I like to travel and I like to write, I thought I’d combine my two loves into a travel blog called Mid-Atlantic Traveler covering the area I know best: the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. I’ll be posting about some of my own adventures as well as interesting finds, hidden gems and plenty of things to do through our region…and beyond.

Recently we wrote about the new Frank Lloyd Wright property where you can stay overnight, the Maine Avenue Fish Market in DC, the International Water Tasting Competition (where I am a judge), the Green Bank Science Center and telescope in WV, York County PA Factory Tours and how to explore Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, to name a few. And there are many more stories to come. Continue reading →

Do You Have a Good Story? Share it With the Media.

public-relations-All-the-BuzzAs a journalist, I hear fabulous stories from people every single day. Whether they are my clients or people I meet in the grocery store, I realize that everybody has a story and I am all ears to hear it.

So many business people either miss or disregard the opportunity to share their unique story with the world. And hence, they miss the many public relations opportunities the media can provide.

Why You Should Get Your Story in the Media

It Gets People Talking

If a journalist finds your story interesting, and a publisher thinks it is interesting enough to write about, then thousands of other people will too. I published a feature story about “What really goes on during spring break,” and was standing behind two moms in the grocery line one day when I overheard them talking about what they learned from the story. “I’m not sure I’ll let my daughter go without a chaperone now,” I heard one say. Think of all the people you can impact from your own story!

It Establishes You as the Expert

Continue reading →

All the Buzz Creates Website Copy for EverSmile Dentistry

Eversmile-Dentistry-logoAll the Buzz was instrumental in creating the copy and blog posts on the website for EverSmile Dentistry, a new practice opened by Dr. Eddie Choi, D.D.S. in Sterling, Virginia.

Dr. Choi acquired the dental practice of the retiring Dr. Rubino of Rubino Dental, opening in the same location. However, Dr. Choi’s philosophy and areas of practice had to reflect his own practice, not that of the former owner’s.

He wanted a style that was Continue reading →

Warning: Google’s October 2017 Deadline for SSL Certificates

Google-not-secure-warningIf your website receives text input (like eCommerce) but does not have an SSL certificate, come October 2017 Google Chrome will begin “punishing” sites by posting a red “Not Secure” warning visible to anyone seeking out your website.

This means that your website address must read “https” at the beginning of its address, rather than “http”. When secure, the “s”, along with a lock icon will appear in the header bar in your web address.

Sensitive text input such as passwords and credit card information are vulnerable on unencrypted sites, and the “Not Secure” warning is a Continue reading →

Washington Post Reports Writing Skills Rising on the List of Job Requirements But Failing in Candidates

Washington_Post_logoThe Washington Post published an article on Sunday, August 13, 2017 titled “Writing skills are rising on the list of job requirements–and falling in candidates,” by Jeffrey K. Selingo.

Selingo continues to reports hearing an interviewer from government contracting firm, looking to hire proposal writers for federal agencies, complain about “how difficult it is to find good writers these days.” Continue reading →

A Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur

This graphic can apply to writers as well as entrepreneurs. Does this look like your day?


Media Finds Furlong Construction | All the Buzz News

buzz-graphicThis is an update to a previous post titled “All the Buzz Creates Web Site Copy for Furlong Construction Company”

In less than a month’s time after All the Buzz helped to create the new website and web copy for Furlong Construction, they received a call from a national TV producer who found the site DIRECTLY because of words we used in the copy. The producer is casting for a national TV reality show on a very specific building topic.

Furlong Construction Company owner Matthew Furlong is delighted, and it goes to show that the right copy does get noticed!